
Chance’s Rodeo Ride: Reflections and Progress

Photo Courtesy: @chuck_miner_4_bar_c_photos

Feb 16, 2024 | Hall and Hall
Chance’s Rodeo Ride: Reflections and Progress

Chance Schott

He still showcases that dynamic smile, and a slightly more weathered, calm demeanor enhances, if anything, the truth of that known and hardened work ethic.

Rodeo is advancing, and the opportunities are greater. Amidst this progress, the cherished values of family, community, and brotherhood remain steadfast. For riders like Chance, the love for the community matches the thrill of an 8-second ride. These cowboys risk their lives to pull each other to safety, and the support to accomplish the near impossible is strong.

Yet the competition never wavers, they all pursue even that one-point lead!

As for the bulls, you ask?

Chance rode a dream bull in Denver, Colorado, last year. He scored 91 points on Bull #016. The energy was flowing in the arena that night, and he felt the world was in the palm of his hand. The chase to feel that euphoria after doing battle with a 2,000-pound mass of muscle is very real.

There are a lot of “wolfy” kids chasing his dream, and after a tough year of growing and learning due to injuries, Chance pushes for self-care. Don’t move too far too fast. If you need that day off, take it. You’ll do better in the long run. Just keep hammering down on your goals to dominate in each class. Don’t jump too quickly.

And Chance is already making good on the last year of struggle. Winning the bull riding event at the  Bismarck, North Dakota rodeo marks the beginning of what plays like a movie script- it’s time to reap the rewards.

Hall and Hall tips their hats to Chance Schott

Go get ’em, Chance! We’ll be cheering!