
Fencing for Wildlife Corridors

Apr 15, 2024 | Hall and Hall
Fencing for Wildlife Corridors

As a new owner of a significant property, or a current owner looking to upgrade, your to-do list probably includes the ever-present task on many farm and ranch owners’ lists—fencing.

We build them; we’re thankful for them, repair them, and curse them (usually simultaneously).

Fences can strengthen our livelihood, keep livestock in – or out, alert potential trespassers to a property boundary, and can be used as decoration, privacy, and more.

The types of fencing used seem infinite, as do the materials used.

Barb wire fence running down a ranch in south dakota
zig zag split rail fence underneath a mountain range

As land and range develop, private landowners are vital to keeping wildlife migratory corridors open for everything from elk to sage grouse, and fencing is a crucial part of that. In the past, and too often in the present, wildlife has not been at the forefront of thought when plans to implement a fence first take shape. Several organizations are working to change that, and many landowners are trying to help.

NRCS Helping to Match Fencing and Wildlife

Contact our Management team to help answer questions you may have about implementing a plan to make your farm or ranch more wildlife-friendly.

Virtual fencing is also an avenue to be explored.

Read more about this rancher’s effort in Two Dot, Montana.

Crazy Mountain Virtual Fence Project