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The Land Report 100 - Winter 2020

The 2020 Land Report 100 features the debut of Bill and Melinda Gates as America’s leading farmland owners with 242,000 acres of productive farmland in more than a dozen states. All told, the Gateses own more than 268,000 acres of farmland, transitional land, and recreational properties and rank No. 49 on the Land Report 100.

Jan 15, 2021
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Winter Outdoor Activities

Today we're bringing you some fun winter activities to help get you through the colder months. While it's easy to simply stay indoors and binge watch television until spring arrives, we are big fans of finding ways to spend time outdoors with friends and family

Jan 7, 2021
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fence and mountains

Top Nine of 2020

Hall and Hall's top nine posts of 2020. We are excited to wrap up a successful year of serving our clients and helping people all over the country reconnect with the land and outdoors. Looking forward to all that 2021 will bring!

Jan 4, 2021
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Recent Sale of Large Ranch near Steamboat Springs

Routt County has been a prime destination for ranches that boast picturesque scenes, extensive wildlife and a peaceful, quiet atmosphere. At the same time, the properties aren’t far from a world-class ski area and bustling commerce of Steamboat Springs. The Lost Elk Ranch property is surrounded on three sides by Routt National Forest and offers trophy-caliber elk, mule deer, black bear and an occasional moose.

Dec 28, 2020
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Nebraska Cattleman Hall of Fame

A ranching couple that's spent a lifetime serving agriculture has been inducted into the Nebraska Cattlemen Hall of Fame. During the Nebraska Cattlemen's annual business meeting held via Zoom, the organization honored Al and Sallie Atkins of Halsey.

Dec 22, 2020
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12 Days of Ranches

It's that time of the year again...to get everyone in the holiday spirit, we are excited to present Hall and Hall's 12 Days of Ranches! We are hosting this fun photography contest to see which ranches are YOUR favorites.

Dec 22, 2020
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Retreat to Montana - Record Year of Real Estate

Professionals working in Montana's real estate market say sales of high-end properties have experienced growth in 2020 far beyond their expectations. The state has recorded sale and price figures that are among the highest in the nation.

Dec 7, 2020
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South Texas Ranch - A Rare Opportunity

A hunter’s, rancher’s, and fisherman’s paradise in South Texas where the deer and the antelope really do play can be yours for more than $7.9 million.

Dec 3, 2020
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Winter Cattle Grazing

Winter cattle grazing is an important aspect of any operating cattle ranches, particularly in regions where the climate can be harsh during the winter months, such as the Nebraska Sandhills.

Dec 3, 2020
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Thankful and Grateful- Thanksgiving 2020

Thankful and grateful seem to be the two most used words to describe how everyone at Hall and Hall is feeling this Thanksgiving. 2020 has been a year filled with ups and downs, challenges and successes, but most importantly, 2020 has been a time to come together and support one another. This year has given us a chance to reconnect with ourselves and reconnect with the land.  

Nov 24, 2020
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Homes with History: Campbell's Ferry Ranch

Campbell’s Ferry Ranch, on the National Register of Historic Places, was the homestead of William Campbell, who in 1898 established a ferry across the Salmon River and the Three Blaze Trail as a prospectors’ route. There are two one-bedroom cabins, one modernized, one rustic with a museum room; outbuildings; and solar electricity and satellite internet.

Nov 3, 2020
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Leaves Changing Colors - Interactive Fall Foliage Map

Fall is here and the leaves are changing colors. Some consider it to be the most incredible time of the year. Gorgeous colors vibrantly encoring the end of summer as the trees put themselves to bed for the long sleep of winter.

Oct 14, 2020