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Buzz Vardeman has Single-Handedly Changed the Farming Industry

Meet the man who has single-handedly changed the farming industry, Buzz Vardeman. We all recognize that John Deere has revolutionized the farming industry with countless innovations, but they didn't do it alone. Vardeman has been a key contributor to some of the company's major successes, while remaining as humble as a true West Texas farmer. 

Oct 3, 2019
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Land Auctions

Hall and Hall Auctions Update

Our most talked about auction in 2019 will most likely be talked about for quite a long time. In December of 2018 we were contacted to market 546± acres along with 6.75 Highland Ditch Shares and 176 C-BT water units located about 25 miles north of Denver. We knew this would create competition between farmers, developers and municipalities.

Oct 3, 2019
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Featured Ranches: Productive Cattle Operations

Featured Ranches: Productive Cattle Operations

With roots in the Miller-Lux cattle empire of the 19th century, this expansive cattle and hay operation is located in the Malheur River basin of eastern Oregon near the small ranching community of Crane, an hour southeast of Burns, Oregon.

Sep 23, 2019
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Adventures in Alaska

Adventures in Alaska

I had the wonderful opportunity to roam around some beautiful country with my beautiful girlfriend in southeast Alaska near the end of August. This was a great time to visit the last frontier state. The mosquitoes were minimal, and the weather was just beginning to feel like fall.

Sep 23, 2019
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The Importance of Supporting Kids

The Importance of Supporting Kids

I recently attended my local county fair and was proud to support a young man by purchasing his pig at auction. He was very grateful and wrote me this kind thank-you note.

Sep 18, 2019
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Mesa Vista Ranch

Mesa Vista Ranch a Lasting Legacy of T. Boone Pickens

Hall and Hall is proud to have represented the legendary T. Boone Pickens in the marketing of his Mesa Vista Ranch, along with co-broker Sam Middleton. 

Sep 18, 2019
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How to Read a Topographic Map

How to Read a Topographic Map

As leading experts in the ranch brokerage field, we at Hall and Hall know the importance of a good set of maps. Not only can maps show the location and shape of a property, but they can also provide key information about the topography of the area.

Sep 12, 2019
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Featured Ranches: Wilderness Retreat and Cattle Operation

The Teton Timbers Ranch is a one-of-a-kind, wild and beautiful 960± acre private inholding within the Big Hole Mountains of the 2.5 million acre Caribou-Targhee National Forest. It is located in the Teton Valley 12 miles west of Driggs, Idaho and its jet-capable general aviation airport.

Sep 12, 2019
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Bloomberg - Here's Who Owns the Most Land in America

The 100 largest owners of private property in the U.S., newcomers and old-timers together, have 40 million acres, or approximately 2% of the country’s land mass, according to data from the Land Report and reporting by Bloomberg News.

Sep 6, 2019
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Colorado Ranch and Farm Auction

Colorado Farm and Ranch Auction Sets Colorado Big Thompson Water Unit Price Record

A farm and ranch auction in Loveland, CO headed up by Scott Shuman and Hall and Hall Auctions set a new high price for a key northern Colorado water supply. One unit of water from the Colorado Big Thompson project went for $65,867, a new record for the project.

Sep 5, 2019
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B Fishing

Q&A with Managing Director B Elfland

B Elfland grew up in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and after graduating from UNC, he moved to Colorado to begin a nine-year career in the ranch and resort industries. Next, B settled in the Bozeman area and guided fly fishermen on southwest Montana’s renowned waters for seven years. He was licensed in real estate sales in 1999 and is currently a licensed broker in Montana and Wyoming.

Aug 30, 2019
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Hall and Hall Attends Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust Fundraiser

The 18th annual Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust Fundraiser and Barbecue was held in Cody Wyoming at the Rambling M Ranch. Hall and Hall partners Randy Shelton and Mike Fraley, along with their wives attended this year’s barbecue and auction which was hosted by the Morehead and Seyfert families.

Aug 30, 2019