The 18th annual Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust Fundraiser and Barbecue was held in Cody Wyoming at the Rambling M Ranch. Hall and Hall partners Randy Shelton and Mike Fraley, along with their wives attended this year’s barbecue and auction which was hosted by the Morehead and Seyfert families. The Rambling M Ranch was started by Phillip Morehead and Kathy Seyfert’s father, George, in the 1950’s.

The Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust was founded in 2000 and was based on a growing need within the ranching community to provide voluntary, private-sector options for agricultural land conservation. Their mission statement reads: “The Wyoming Stock Growers Land Trust is dedicated to conserving Wyoming’s working family ranches and farms and the wide-open spaces, natural habitats, and rural communities they support.” As Phillip Morehead spoke about their decision to implement a conservation easement on their ranch he shared about the encroachment of developments surrounding the Rambling M and their family’s desire to insure that their ranch remain protected and conserved. “Who better to know what to do with Wyoming lands than Wyoming landowners.”

Albert Sommers of Pinedale was the recipient of the 2019 Kurt Bucholz Award. Albert was recognized for his exceptional support of agricultural land conservation, private property, and water rights. Albert received the bronze award saying, “If you take care of the land i will take care of you.” The evening’s entertainment was the talented Danny Shervin of Paint with Gunpowder. Danny artistically creates a portrait with gunpowder and then sets the canvas on fire, resulting in a unique and beautiful portrait. The portrait he created during the BBQ was the first item to be auctioned off, followed by several other live as well as silent auction items. This is the Land Trusts biggest fundraiser of the year.

The WSGLT currently has 278,053 acres of agricultural land conserved, 101 easements, and are working with 76 ranching families.
Want to learn more about the organization? Contact Mike Fraley for additional information
Mike Fraley, Real Estate Partner
Buffalo, WY | | (307) 217-0545