

Resources and information related to the ownership, management, and investment in rural land for recreational, ranching and livestock operations.

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IX homestead

IX Ranch Featured in December 2017 Issue of Western Horseman

We were thrilled with the feature story in the December 2017 issue of Western Horseman profiling IX Ranch.  The IX Ranch is a legacy ranch – it is huge, has a long history of stable ownership and a respected reputation in reputation ranch country.  Its central Montana location is 80 miles northeast of Great Falls and adjacent to the town of Big Sandy. The current owners are the second owners in the ranch’s 128-year history.

Jan 25, 2018
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Rock Creek Ranch

Collaboration Thrives at Rock Creek Ranch

Rock Creek Ranch embraces 10,400 acres of land in a series of succulent meadows surrounded by miles upon miles of good-quality rangeland below the shadow of the Smoky Mountains in Blaine County. The ranch is home to sage grouse, a species of concern, as well as moose, elk, deer, antelope and other critters.

Jan 24, 2018
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Texas Ranch & Farm Auction

Texas Ranch Auction Totals $24+ Million

Over 150 bidders attended the 11,831 acre Texas Farm and Ranch Auction on November 14th in Athens, TX. Seven of the 45 registered bidders prevailed in a spirited competition for 16 tracts. The auction totaled $24,034,970. Negotiations are proceeding on remaining parcels.

Nov 17, 2017
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Half Diamond Horseshoe Ranch

Visit to Historic Encampment, Wyoming and Half Diamond Horseshoe Ranch

This summer my family rode along with me to Encampment, Wyoming on the slopes of the Sierra Madre Mountains where the beautiful Half Diamond Horseshoe Ranch is located.  We thoroughly enjoyed our time spent in the Saratoga and Encampment area where we visited Saratoga’s Hot Springs, had several great meals and drove through beautiful country. 

Oct 30, 2017