

Resources and inspiration for those interested in the recreational aspects of ranch living, including hunting, fishing, hiking, and other outdoor activities.

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Summer Bucket List: Teaching Kids about Nature

A summer bucket list is the perfect way to plan activities for kids and adults alike. Today we've got some tips to help you teach your kids about plants and get them interested in nature. In the summer of covid and social distancing, we're all looking for safe and engaging activities for kids that are away from screens. These tips will help you get your kids outside and also show them how to use technology for research and learning. 

Jul 20, 2020
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Nebraska Recreation

Welcome to Nebraska, the new frontier for land and ranches. Today we are sharing some of the opportunities for recreation and activities in Nebraska

Jul 19, 2020
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Summer Bucket List: Wildlife Bingo

A summer bucket list is the perfect way to plan activities for kids and adults alike. We've got the perfect family activity to get everyone out of the house and away from screens. Load up the kids in the car and get ready to play an awesome game of wildlife bingo!

Jul 13, 2020
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Weekend Plans for the Family: Fishing and a Picnic Lunch

Got any weekend plans for the family? Why not pack up the car and head out for a day fishing on the river or lake? We've outlined some of our favorite fishing spots and easy picnic lunches that are perfect for a day spent in nature. Being outdoors is like free therapy - it can help reduce stress and is a great way for families to reconnect. 

May 16, 2020
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Spring Turkey Hunting in Montana

Spring turkey hunting season is in full swing in Montana. Hall and Hall partner Ryan Flair recently took his son out hunting where they enjoyed some quality father and son time.

May 11, 2020
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Top 5 Colorado Trout Fishing Rivers

Colorado trout fishing is an experience that you don’t want to miss. Trophy fish, stunning scenery, and gorgeous summer weather will have you scheduling your next trip back before you have even left. There are many famous rivers all over the state with esteemed trout fishing, but we’ve selected our top five to give you a starting place.

May 11, 2020
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Top 5 Montana Trout Fishing Rivers

Montana trout fishing is some of the best in the country - they don't call it the "Treasure State" for no reason. There are many famous rivers all over the state with esteemed trout fishing, but we've selected our top five to give you a starting place.

May 8, 2020
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Bass Fly Fishing - Here's What You Need to Know

Bass fly fishing is often overlooked by anglers who get distracted by all of the prevailing opportunities within the Northern and Southern Rockies.  Fly fishing for bass is a natural progression for experienced bass fishermen looking for a new challenge, or for experienced fly fisherman who wish to tackle a new species. Fishing for freshwater bass (specifically smallouth and largemouth) can be one of the most intense and rewarding experiences on a fly rod.

May 6, 2020
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Privatizing River Access - What's Gained and Lost for Anglers

Privatizing river access is a controversial topic among anglers, especially those in Montana and Wyoming, where the two states have vastly different approaches. While Montana allows wade-fishing on almost every stream whether on public or private land, Wyoming streams often feature signs announcing private property where permission is needed to continue fishing.

Apr 21, 2020
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Fly Fishing in Idaho

Welcome to Idaho - one of the most special places in the Northern Rockies. Maybe it's the gorgeous scenery and abundant wildlife that initially draws you in, but it is the legendary fishing that will have you coming back for more. We love touring ranches throughout the state and fishing in the various rivers and streams.

Apr 15, 2020
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Northern Rockies Fishing Forecast

April in the Northern Rockies is unpredictable.  One day you will be mowing the yard and the next shoveling the driveway.  It’s a time of year when we substantially build and store snowpack in the mountains while the valleys emerge from winter slumber.  Current snowpack conditions in and around the greater Yellowstone Ecosystem including Wyoming, Montana and Idaho are in excess of 100% and as high as 120%.

Apr 3, 2020
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Spring in Montana

Spring hits Montana! One of the telltale indicators of Spring is the return of the Sandhill Cranes. This one is part of a breeding pair that returns to the Baden Ranch in southwestern Montana's Gallatin Valley, near Bozeman. This one is part of a breeding pair that returns to the Baden Ranch in southwestern Montana's Gallatin Valley, near Bozeman.

Apr 1, 2020