A summer bucket list is the perfect way to plan activities for kids and adults alike. We’ve got the perfect family activity to get everyone out of the house and away from screens. Load up the kids in the car and get ready to play an awesome game of wildlife bingo! Head out to your ranch or farm, or find a state/national park or BLM area where you have a good chance of seeing some wildlife. You can drive around in the car safari style, or load up a backpack with some snacks and waters and go for a hike. Either way, you’re bound to see at least one of these animals on the bingo card and get the opportunity to create fun family memories.

Bingo Card
Click here for the PDF version of the wildlife bingo card.
Here are the animals included starting with the top left moving right: deer, squirrel, butterfly, lizard, rabbit, raccoon, deer tracks, elk, dragonfly, moose, duck, coyote or wolf, hawk, coyote tracks, tortoise, and bear. Feel free to replace any of these with animals that are specific to your region so that you have a better chance of completing the card.
The great thing about this activity is that it is great for a day trip out to the ranch, or you can stretch it out over the rest of summer and play each time you and the family take a drive. Share with friends and see who can complete their bingo card first!