
Spring Black Bear Pursuit

May 17, 2024 | Hall and Hall
Spring Black Bear Pursuit

Temperatures are bouncing back and forth between cool and sun-filled warmth, which means south-facing slopes are melting off, and green shoots are expanding into true leaves, becoming a dynamic food source for bears emerging from dens.  Elk calves and deer fawns will begin dropping, providing a more abundant food source, and as bears start to recover from hibernation, the rut will begin.

Spring Black bear hunting is an anticipated season for many. It is not without difficulties, so a well-researched plan based on good in-depth knowledge and asking many questions of the right people (if they’re so inclined to divulge their secrets) will help tremendously. Everything from the weather to elevation to the week of the season and the bear’s corresponding activity can affect a successful or non-successful hunt.

For those looking to take your first spring hunt or the more experienced hunter, you may enjoy a few of the article links below directly related to pursuing the Black bear during the spring season.


Surefire spring bear hunting tactics that will lead you to success

Everything You Need to Know About Black Bear Shot Placement

The 3 Phases of the Spring Bear Rut

Five Tips for Spring Bear