

Showcases personal accounts, articles, and interviews that highlight the people, and traditions related to ranching, agriculture, and rural life.

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The Importance of Supporting Kids

The Importance of Supporting Kids

I recently attended my local county fair and was proud to support a young man by purchasing his pig at auction. He was very grateful and wrote me this kind thank-you note.

Sep 18, 2019
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B Fishing

Q&A with Managing Director B Elfland

B Elfland grew up in Chapel Hill, North Carolina and after graduating from UNC, he moved to Colorado to begin a nine-year career in the ranch and resort industries. Next, B settled in the Bozeman area and guided fly fishermen on southwest Montana’s renowned waters for seven years. He was licensed in real estate sales in 1999 and is currently a licensed broker in Montana and Wyoming.

Aug 30, 2019
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Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear Safety Training Class

The Grizzly Bear is a majestic animal and commands respect.  For those of us living in Montana, Wyoming and parts of Idaho, it is our equivalent of swimming with sharks.  Simply stated; you have to be prepared before you wander into the woods. 

Aug 19, 2019
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Texas Bass Fishing with Hall and Hall Loan Officer Adam Deakin

Texas Bass Fishing with Hall and Hall Loan Officer Adam Deakin

Through competing in National High School and Collegiate Bass Fishing Tournaments, I have been able to see some beautiful parts of the world. One place I keep finding myself returning to is deep in the heart of East Texas. East Texas is full of dense pineywood forests, easy rolling pastures, and what seems like never-ending bodies of water. It is vibrantly green, especially in the springtime. The scenery is hard to beat, and the bass fishing is even better.

Apr 30, 2019
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Ranch Buyers

Working for Texas Farm and Ranch Buyers

Twenty years ago I embarked on a wild, fulfilling, and often perplexing adventure - selling Texas ranches. This gave me the opportunity to work with some great people. It is always a greater adventure to work with buyers because you never know where the journey will take you. AND it often does not end with the acquisition often evolving into a deep and satisfying long term relationship.  This is a marked contrast to the clear goal one establishes with a seller client who is often exiting our world with the sale of his or her property.

Jan 28, 2019
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Hall and Hall Partner Spends Christmas in Cuba

Hall and Hall Partner, Bill McDavid, inherited his love for travel from his grandmother. Recently, he spent Christmas in Cuba, touring through the country from Havana to Trinidad and Viñales. Needless to say, his camera was in tow. You can see the photos and read about this unique travel experience here.

Jan 10, 2019
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Ranch Owners

The Next Generation of Ranch Owners

Hall and Hall has been around for nearly 75 years and we operate day to day building relationships and helping our clients and their families with the concept in mind that we are going to be around for another 75 years, hopefully working with the children and grandchildren and friends of our current clients.

Oct 1, 2018
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Rain Weather for Ranching

What's in a Rain?

Rain is one of those things that we often take for granted until we don’t get enough of it or inundated with too much. It is elusive, yet common. It is something that we have absolutely no control over, and so we must learn to adapt. Rain is one of those subjects that unites people of all walks of life, particularly those with rural backgrounds. It is almost without exception that rain is always the initial topic to start a conversation.

Aug 8, 2018
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Shelby Shuman Junior Auctioneer

Shelby Shuman Competes in International Junior Auctioneer Championships

The National Auctioneers Association knows how to put on a show, which is expected as it’s an organization of professional speakers and event planners. This year’s 2018 Conference and Show in Jacksonville, Florida was nothing short of excellent. Hall and Hall’s auction team took full advantage of networking and educational opportunities and even made time to give a little back.

Jul 18, 2018
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Farms and Ranches

The Value of Having Wealth “Tied to the Land”

What does it mean to be “tied to the land”? Once you have sold farms and ranches for 20 years and enjoyed much of the same lifestyle yourself, there are certain observations and conclusions that are easy to come by. Our past and current clients are all “tied to the land” in some way, whether it is by their hard work or by their investment in the land.

Feb 7, 2018
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Agriculture: Mother Nature

A Resilient Affair

Seventy-five years ago, the attitude of people in agriculture very much revolved around “beating” Mother Nature. As times have progressed, this attitude has softened as farmers and ranchers have discovered it is possible to work successfully with Mother Nature. Nevertheless, despite all our best efforts, Mother Nature does have a way of, as my father used to say, “making a Christian out of you.”

Dec 12, 2017
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Legacy Ranches

Thanksgiving Day and Legacy Ranches

According to Merriam Webster, the operative definition of the word “legacy” is,  “something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past.”  I was struck by this meaning of the term as I stood to give a toast at our family Thanksgiving celebration.I looked down the table, which for the first time in my 70 plus year lifetime extended the entire length of the room, to see nearly 30 members of our family plus friends spanning 3 generations.

Nov 29, 2017